52 Week Mini Art Card/Tag Challenge

Monday 21 November 2022

Sew Over It "Pussy Bow Blouse" a me-made

For the past few days, I have been in the process of making a blouse for myself.  Using the "Sew Over It' "Pussy Bow Blouse pattern".  You can buy this pattern as a PDF or as a paper pattern.  I prefer to purchase a paper pattern and then transfer all the lines and markings on to alternative paper so that the original paper is in tact for future use and sewing of other sizes should I want to make the garment again.

I have some fabric in my stash that I wanted to use, however as I have never used a Sew Over It pattern previously, I was a little apprehensive to how it would turn out.  Instead of my good fabric, I used a cheap Asda reversible duvet cover to use as a toile.  There's loads of fabric left for another project too.

After reading through the pattern, before I started sewing, I decided that there were a few areas that I wasn't sure about.  I looked on line and found a youtube  by Sewing Lab using the exact same pattern.  This helped tremendously as I was able to watch the areas I was uncertain about.

On the whole I'm happy with the finished item.  If I do make it in the other fabric, I will likely do a couple of things differently, making the sleeves slightly shorter and maybe adding a little extra to allow for my ample hip/tummy area.  But other wise I thought the pattern was great.



  1. I do like the style of this blouse Sam,,the sleeves do look a little long and I would prefer the blouse to be a little longer too

    1. Thank you. For me, if I have it longer, it makes my legs look shorter unfortunately x

  2. Stunningly gorgeous Sam, you look very swishy in this x

  3. Beautifully done Sam and a great idea to use this cheaper material to try it out before using your nicer stuff. I thought the sleeves seemed a bit long too, and I think I would lengthen it slightly, but it is very pretty and suits you. x
